Colby Lee Burke Business Bennet Schwartz Sydney Director Asks, Should Photographers Use A Content Calendar

Bennet Schwartz Sydney Director Asks, Should Photographers Use A Content Calendar

Bennet Schwartz Sydney

Content calendars are a relatively new thing in the digital landscape. They have gotten a lot more popular, as content teams have ballooned in size. One area where many people think that a content calendar might be necessary is photography. However, is this the truth?

This is one of the questions that Bennet Schwartz Sydney photography expert has always asked himself. He wonders whether content calendars could work for photographers in the same way that they have worked for other creative professionals in recent times. He thinks that they might, but he isn’t sure if they are, and he needs to know a lot more information before he can make a final decision.

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What Is a Content Calendar

A content calendar is a schedule of when you will post content to your page. It is usually in the form of an Excel document, or it can be an actual calendar. However, the key thing is that there is a detailed outline of when and where you will be posting. It is usually very easy for copywriters to have a constant calendar because they can easily come up with titles and dates for when and they will start postings.

However, it is not the same for a lot of other creative professionals, as it would be too difficult for them to maintain such a calendar. Content calendars might be applicable to other fields, but it’ll often depend on the nature of the work people need to do in that field.

Who Usually Uses One?

The primary users are writers, which is why it is so tricky for photographers to start using this type of process. It is something that Bennet Schwartz Sydney expert talks about. He understands how vital it is to see the origins of a content calendar. Content calendars are more popular now, as we are getting more technology to utilize them.

As time goes on, we will see them being used in other industries as well. Many creative professionals can take advantage of what content calendars bring, but it is a lot more difficult if you are not a writer. Writing is a difficult profession that lends itself to having people do it this way.

Can Photographers Use a Content Calendar?

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The short answer to this question is a resounding yes. However, it does come with some caveats. The main thing is that you will need to be one of the best photographers in the industry, and you need to have strict traveling plans that do not change. For example, a content calendar like this would be quite difficult if you were a travel photographer.

Many things could go wrong, and you could end up getting stuck in a place you didn’t anticipate. Airlines often change plans, and that could throw a wrench in your plans as well. This is one of the main reasons why you cannot depend on a content calendar for travel photography.

There are also other types of photography that you could not depend on it for detailed guidance on what content you would get. You would not want to get this type of calendar done if you were photographing wild animals. This is just an example, but it goes to show you that only certain types of photography would work using this way of doing things.

Reasons to Use One

For many photographers, it would really benefit them. Having a content calendar would allow them to have peace of mind knowing what will come next.

Plan Schedules

They would be able to plan their schedules around taking photographs, and it would be a real benefit to their productivity. It would also allow them to talk to clients and have a good idea of when they will be busy or not.

More Opportunities

They would be able to take on more jobs, and you can even see them being a lot more productive with better content. The benefits are numerous in this way, and it is important to figure out whether your type of photography lends itself to being content-calendar-friendly.

Reasons Not to

The main reason not to is that photography isn’t like writing. In writing, you simply have to do the research and then start writing.

No External Factors

There are no other external factors that could stop you from working. If your computer stops working, you can break out a pen and paper and start writing. There are many ways to write without having any electronic gadgets available. It is not the same thing with photography.

Inconsistency Within The Industry

If your camera stops working, you won’t be able to take photographs. If you are taking nature shots and the animals don’t show up, you won’t be able to take photographs. It is the same thing with taking photographs of nature. If you miss your flight, or it is delayed, you are not going to be able to take any photographs at all. This puts you in a position where it is almost impossible to achieve any level of productivity if things don’t always go perfectly.

Things to Think About

There are a few things you need to consider as well. One of those things is whether you will be able to work around problems with your equipment in a timely fashion. Many people don’t have the skills to repair a camera by themselves. Simple things like this can undermine all your efforts when it comes to planning ahead. This is why it is so crucial for you to understand how things are going, so you don’t end up with awful results.

Wrap Up

Ultimately, content calendars can take a lot of pressure off of you. However, you need to figure things out and know whether they will work exactly the way you want or not.

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