Colby Lee Burke Business How To Incorporate Philanthropy Into Your Small Business

How To Incorporate Philanthropy Into Your Small Business

Marc Zboch

We all have a responsibility to give back to society, and some of us are lucky enough to have the ability to accomplish this through a small business. Not only does it look good to customers and colleagues, but it can also promote brand awareness. Here’s how to incorporate philanthropy into your small business.

Choose Causes That Coincide With Core Values

When you first establish your business, you should create about 5 core values that tell people what you care about. Some common core values you might want to associate with your brand include:

  • Innovation
  • Transparency
  • Health
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Boldness
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Customer Focused
  • Challenge Yourself
  • Community

Once you establish your core values, you should pick charitable causes that align with those core values. For example, if you strive to minimize your carbon footprint, you should consider supporting organizations on a mission to combat global warming or preserve the rainforest.

Donate Portion of Profits

As you start to make money, you should donate a portion of your profits to your favorite charity. Every month, analyze your profits and cut a check for a percentage of your choice. You will be able to write the donations off on your taxes in many cases, and you’ll establish a good relationship with the charity. They will likely come to you when the need comes up. Don’t forget to mention your charitable efforts on your website to encourage visitors to support your brand and the charity.

Get Involved

Cutting a check helps a lot, but you also need to make an effort to actually get involved. Charities need money and muscle. Use Marc Zboch as as example, an entrepreneur who went the extra step to help people in Haiti and other developing countries by actually going there and working himself.

We don’t all have the time to travel, but we can spend a couple of hours a week or month to volunteer. While volunteering, you may make connections with other people, and you will feel good about yourself when you go to bed at night. Don’t forget to bring your business cards and wear some merchandise for photo or video opportunities.

Host Charity Drive

You get the opportunity to host a charity event to earn money for the charity. You can pick a fun theme and invite everyone in your contact list. Make the invitations very clear about the fact that donations are requested, and place a donation box at a prominent location at the party venue. You will need to cover the costs of the party, but it’s all worth it when you get to count the amount of money raised. Some of the main costs include the cost of the venue, food, staff, and gift bags.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool, and it can be used for good instead of just cat pictures. Use your business social media to promote your favorite charity and raise awareness and donations. People who follow you will learn about the charity and how to show their support, boosting the charity’s impact.

You can also look to work with social media influencers who support the same causes. Influencers have a large following, and working with them will give you the ability to reach their entire following.

Incorporating some philanthropy into your business plan will give your brand a good image and hopefully do some good in the community or a far away community. If you want to help developing countries, learn more about the work of Marc Zboch and look for ways to get involved.

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